Steward CCD Guider Startup Instructions M. Lesser 27-Dec-03 last change 14-Apr-04 MPL - Turn the power ON to the CCD guider controller power supply (on the telescope). - Double click "Telcom Server" to start the telescope communication server. This might already be running, move the mouse to the bottom of the screen to check. If it starts with an error use Control-Alt-Delete to kill wishXXX. - Click the "Start server" on the "Telcom Server" window to start commincations with TCS. You may now minimize the "Telcom Server" window. - Double click "AzCamServer" to start the guider controller software. The last line in the window should be "Now listening to client connections....". If an error occurs check the guider power and the fiber optic cables. A green LED should be visible on the fiber optic interface card on the back of this computer (bokpc3). You may now minimize the AzCamServer window. - Double click "90PrimeGuider" or "90CassGuider" to start the guider program. Typically you should use the saved paramaters option to start with previously working guide paramaters. - Shutdown in reverse order. Kill the Telcom Server with the "x" in the top right corner. TROUBLESHOOTING - If telcom server does not start and complains that a socket is in use, use Control-Alt-Delete to kill the task "wishxx" using End Task, wait 15 seconds, then try again. - If the guider won't shut down, use Control-Alt-Delete to kill the Autoguider program. You may have to make sure a dialog box is not open, and wait 15 seconds for the program to be killed (a pop-up will appear to confirm).