Important Notes for 90prime Observers. 1. Starting the Guider: On the operators left computer click on the Telcom Server icon. This will start communications with the telescope. Click on the AzCam Server to start communications between the the camera server and the computer. Click on the SO Guider.tcl icon. This will start the guider software. 2. Starting the AzCam Tool: The rack mounted 90PRIMECCD (BOKPC2?) should be running. The 90prime Cserver should be running on the desktop (this is the replacement for the AzCam Server). Click on the AzCam Tool icon in the upper right hand corner of the desktop. That brings up a configuration file window "AzCam Configuration". The default file is 90prime.ini but you can also "Select..." Devices in the ring menu, choose 90prime. Click on the "Read" button. Click on "Exit" A window will appear briefly while the GUI connects to the server. Set the detector binning. Click on "Detector". In the "Readout Format" tab click on column bin and row bin to set them to your desired binning. Click on "Set Formats" and then "Exit". Change the filename to make sure data is transfered to stjukshon properly. In the main AzCam Tool click on "Change Filename". The directory "Z:" points to stjukshon:/data/bokobs/. Use the folder button to select a folder on stjukshon. The sub-directory must exist on stjukshon or you must first "mkdir" to create it. You'll need to enter a username and password at this point; if you don't know it call Ed. In the same window you can change the root name and the sequence number for your data. As a typical set-up choose "Auto Increment Sequence" and "Include Sequence Number". "Auto Name" uses the root name and the image type in the filename. The filename corresponding to your set-up will display at the bottom of that window. Click "Exit". Make sure "Save Image" is selected in the main AzCam window. Click on "Preferences". In addition to the default preferences you may want to choose "Prompt for Image Title". Alternatively you can type the image title in the main AzCam window. Do NOT choose "Display with ds9" because you'll be viewing the data on stjukshon. In the "Parameters" tab set the number of images to observe in a sequence of exposures (focus sequence, n consecutive exposures of a specific type). More information about sequences is given in the discussion on exposures. Take an exposure. Click on "Image Type" to select image type. Select exposure time with the increment buttons or by highlighting and replacing hours, minutes, and/or seconds. Click on "Expose". The progress bar and the 90prime Cserver will display the progress. The data is assembled on the CCD computer but saved only to stjukshon. To take sequence of images: If you pick image type "focus" it automatically starts a sequence which is actually a multiple shifted exposure on one image. More information is provided in the focus discussion below. For any other image type such as "zeros", choose "Sequence" and then "Expose". The "Messages" window shows the current image number in the sequence. To stop a sequence During an exposure you can hit the "Pause" button (which replaces the "Expose" button) to pause an exposure. You can then either "Resume" to continue the exposure, "Stop" to truncate the exposure, or "Abort" to abort the exposure. You can only edit text in yellow text boxes. 3. There are 5.29 microns per focus step. Typical focus increments of 50 are good to use for a very coarse focus sequence and 20 or 25 (depending on seeing) for a fine sequence. A crucial test for focus is whether you see any astigmatism (residual in the system). 4. To put an object in the guide camera: From 3993, 3868 on chip 1 offset 328 arcsec west and 3123 arcsec North to center the object in the guider. 5. The filter codes for 11/16/03 are: Code Filter Wheel Position 6 Empty 1 2 527 BATC 2 3 579 BATC 3 4 607 BATC 4 5 666 BATC 5 6 337 BATC 6 6. The guider filters for 11/16/03 are: Position Color 1 Empty 2 Red 3 Neutral 4 Empty 5 Green 6 Blue