The following is a list of routines which are burned into the 90prime Galil's non-volatile eeprom. The routines are followed by a short explanation of how they are called. Updated: 11/02/03 GGW 12/29/03 GGW Note: Updated does not necessarily mean up-to-date. Routines: These can be queried with the LL (List Labels) Galil command. Note that not all labels correspond to routines some are simply line labels. The LL command will also give the line number of the label. ----------------------------------------------------- #AUTO ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The AUTO routine is the routine which gets executed when the Galil is powered on. It sets the parameters for each axis. ----------------------------------------------------- #CENTER ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: CENTER - number of steps to center the guide filter in the beam. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The CENTER routine nudges the guide filter wheel to align the filter with the aperature. This is necessary because the filter wheel positions defined by the sensors are not exactly aligned with the aperture. ----------------------------------------------------- #CONVERT ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FNUM_IN - filter number input by the user. Output Variables: SNUM_IN - filter position of FNUM_IN Subroutines Called: None Description: The CONVERT routine converts the filter requested by the user to the position of that filter in the wheel. ----------------------------------------------------- #COORDMV ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: DISTALL - the number of steps to move all the actuators. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: FOCSTUP Description: The COORDMV routine moves all the focus actuators in a coordinated fashion an amount of DISTALL. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTIN ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FILTTDIST - the number of steps to move the filter in translation to put it in the beam. Output Variables: FILTISIN - a flag indicating if the FILTIN or FILTOUT routines have been run. FILTTSC - a stop code indicating how the filter translation stopped. If the translation stops by a forward limit this is set to 2. If the translation stops by a reverse limit this is set to 3. Subroutines Called: FILTTSU Description: The FILTIN routine moves a filter into the beam. It moves the filter a default number of steps FILTDIST. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTLD ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The FILTLD routine move the filter wheel to the next filter load position. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTMOV ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: REQFILT - the filter holder number to rotate to. The default is 256 which does not exist on any of the filter holders. Output Variables: ERRFILT - if the filter is not found in 5 moves this variable is set to 1. Subroutines Called: FILTROT Description: FILTMOV rotates the filter wheel until the current filter (FILTVAL) equals the requested value REQFILT. The filter wheel will rotate a maximum number of 5 positions before returning a ERRFILT=1 and stopping. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTLDM ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: FILTLD Description: The FILTLDM routine is used for loading filters into the filter wheel. It waits for the load button on the instrument to be depressed using the AL H (arm latch H) command and then runs the FILTLD routine to rotate to the next load position. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTOUT ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FILTTDIST - the number of steps to move the filter in translation to pull it out of the beam. FILTNUD - the number of steps to jog the pusher arm toward the center after it has reached the reverse limit. This is necessary to free the pusher arm for rotation. Output Variables: FILTISIN - a flag indicating if the FILTIN or FILTOUT routines have been run. FILTTSC - a stop code indicating how the filter translation stopped. If the translation stops by a forward limit this is set to 2. If the translation stops by a reverse limit this is set to 3. Subroutines Called: FILTTSU Description: The FILTOUT routine moves a filter out of the beam. It moves the filter a default number of steps FILTDIST. When the revers limit is reached it jogs the pusher arm back toward the center slightly to clear it for rotation. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTRD ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: FILTVALS[6] - an array of filter codes which are read from the holders. Subroutines Called: FILTROT Description: The FILTRD routine reads each of the filter holder codes and saves them to an array. This is used for initializing the filter wheel. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTROT ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: NROT - number of positions to rotate the filter wheel. (0 - 6) Output Variables: FILTBIT[1-8] - the value of the individual bits in the filter holder code. FILTLOW - the value of the least significant nibble of the filter holder code. FILTHIGH - the value of the most significant nibble of the filter holder code. FILTVAL - the value of the whole byte of the filter holder code. Subroutines Called: FILTRSU Description: The FILTROT routine rotates the filter wheel by NROT positions. After the motion is complete it records the current filter holder code. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTRSU ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FILTRAC - filter wheel rotation acceleration. FILTRDC - filter wheel rotation deceleration. FILTRSP - filter wheel speed. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The FILTRSU routine sets up the default filter wheel rotation parameters. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTTBS ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: TABLNGTH[6] - an array of lengths of each of the filter wheel tabs. Subroutines Called: FILTROT Description: The FILTTBS routine measures the length of each of the tabs on the filter wheel which are used to indicate the orientation of the filter wheel. The lengths (in time units) are written to an array called TABLNGTH. ----------------------------------------------------- #FILTTSU ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FILTTAC - filter translation acceleration. FILTTDC - filter translation deceleration. FILTTSP - filter translation speed. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The FILTTSU routine sets the default parameters for the filter translation. ----------------------------------------------------- #FOCALL - Deprecated. ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: DISTALL - number of steps to move all the focus actuators. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: FOCSTUP FOCMV Description: The FOCALL routine moves all the focus actuators the same amount of DISTALL. NOTE: This routine is deprecated in favor of COORDMV. ----------------------------------------------------- #FOCGCAM ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: DISTGCAM - number of steps to move the guide camera focus stage. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: GCAMSU Description: The FOCGCAM routine moves the guide camera focus stage an amount of DISTGCAM steps. ----------------------------------------------------- #FOCIND ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: DISTA - the number of steps to move focus actuator A DISTB - the number of steps to move focus actuator B DISTC - the number of steps to move focus actuator C Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: FOCSTUP FOCMV Description: The FOCIND routine moves the three focus actuators (A, B, and C) an amount of DISTA, DISTB, and DISTC steps. ----------------------------------------------------- #FOCMV ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The FOCMV routine moves the focus actuators. This routine will be deprecated. ----------------------------------------------------- #FOCSTUP ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FOCAC - focus actuator acceleration. FOCDC - focus actuator decleleration. FOCSP - focus actuator speed. VECAC - focus actuator vector (coordinated move) acceleration. VECDC - focus actuator vector (coordinated move) deceleration. VECSP - focus actuator vector (coordinated move) speed. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The FOCSTUP routine sets up the default parameters for the focus actuators. ----------------------------------------------------- #GCAMSU ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: GFILTAC - guide camera stage acceleration. GFILTDC - guide camera stage deceleration. GFILTSP - guide camera stage speed Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The GCAMSU routine sets up the default parameters for the guide camera stage. ----------------------------------------------------- #GFWIFN ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: GFILTN - guide camera filter number entered by the GUI (?) Output Variables: FNUM_IN - guide camera filter number entered by the GUI (?) Subroutines Called: None Description: The GFWIFN routine checks that the guide filter number, GFILTN, is valid (1-6) and assigns its value to the variable FNUM_IN ----------------------------------------------------- #GFWINIT ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: CENTER - the number of steps required to center the filter on the aperture. This should be moved to the eeprom. Subroutines Called: MOV1 CENTER Description: The GFWINIT routine intializes the guide camera filter wheel by rotating it two positions to read where it is. ----------------------------------------------------- #GFWMOV ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: SNUM_IN - input filter position (?) Output Variables: SNUM Subroutines Called: GFWIFN CONVERT MOV1 READSN CENTER GFWQ Description: The GFWMOV routine moves the guide filter wheel until the filter wheel position equals the requested position. ----------------------------------------------------- #GFWQ ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: FNUM - input guide camera filter number. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: READSN UNCONV Description: The GFWQ routine queries the guide filter wheel about its position. ----------------------------------------------------- #GFWTST1 ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: Output Variables: Subroutines Called: Description: Test guide filter wheel. #MOV1 Input Variables: None yet. Edit that. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The MOV1 routine move the guide camera filter wheel one position. ----------------------------------------------------- #MVGFILT - deprecated ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: GFILTN(ASCII) - guide camera filter number. Output Variables: None Subroutines Called: None Description: The MVGFILT routine moves the guide camera filter wheel. This routine is deprecated in favor of MOV1. ----------------------------------------------------- #QUGFILT -deprecated ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: GFILTQ - guide camera filter wheel number Subroutines Called: None Description: The QUGFILT routine queries the guide camera filter wheel for its position. This routine is deprecated in favor of GFILTQ. ----------------------------------------------------- #READSN ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: None Output Variables: SNUM - guide camera filter wheel sensor number. Subroutines Called: None Description: The READSN routine reads the guide camera sensor number and converts it to an integer. ----------------------------------------------------- #UNCONV ----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables: SNUM - guide camera filter wheel sensor number. Output Variables: FNUM - guide camera filter number. Subroutines Called: None Description: The UNCONV routine "unconverts" the filter number from the sensor value to the filter value.