90prime Bias Images in May/June 2004

C. W. Engelbracht; last updated 2004-7-2

All Bias Images

Each panel of the table below shows the 25 bias (zero) images obtained during the May 2004 90prime run or the 20 images obtained during the June 2004 run, one chip per panel as indicated along the top row. The top ten images in the May panels are from May 9, the middle 5 from May 10, and the bottom 10 from May 11. The top 10 images in the June panels are from June 20 while the bottom 10 are from June 21. The overscan subtraction method is summarized in the second column.

Date Overscan Subtraction Method display range Chip 1 Chip 2 Chip 3 Chip 4
May 2004


900 - 1100

May 2004

median of whole region

-30 - 30

May 2004

cubic spline fit along column

-30 - 30

May 2004

median of each row

-30 - 30

June 2004

cubic spline fit along column

-50 - 50

Observed Behavior

Figure 1

Figure 2


The final combined bias (zero) images are shown in Figure 3, with chips 3 and 4 on the top and chips 1 and 2 on the bottom. These images were created using a cubic spline fit to the overscan region and are plotted with the same display range of -50 to 50.

Figure 3
May 2004 June 2004