90prime Flat Images in May/June 2004

C. W. Engelbracht; last updated 2004-7-8


                  3  4
chip layout:
                  1  2


These data were obtained during the May and June 2004 runs with 90prime. Twilight flat observations were generally obtained in sets of 5, with a 1-arcminute dither between observations. Dark sky flats were assembled from any nighttime data which did not contain a science target and consist of 4 to 20 images, depending on the chip and filter used. The images were overscan-, zero-, and dark-subtracted, then combined using the iterative technique described by Morrison et al. (1994, AJ, 108, 1191). The data are presented in Table 1, which also contains a ratio of the twilight and night-sky flats (except for the May U band data, where no twilight flat was taken).

Table 1
Date Filter Twilight Flat Dark Sky Flat (Dark Sky) / Twilight #images in dark sky flats

display range 0.7 - 1.3 display range 0.7 - 1.3 display range 0.9 - 1.1 chip 1/2/3/4
May 2004 U

May 2004 B 8/10/12/4
May 2004 V 4/6/8/4
May 2004 R 4/6/8/4
May 2004 I 4/6/8/4
June 2004 U 10/20/20/10
June 2004 B 8/16/16/8

Variation With Time

The flat fields changed between the May and June runs, mostly in the vignetted corners of the FOV. The ratios of May and June dark-sky flats (May / June) are plotted in Table 2. The display range in each case is 0.9 to 1.1.

Table 2
Date Filter Ratio
May/June U
May/June B