10 July 03 90prime notes 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chores to be done before Sept 15: 1) Make optics can and top box light tight. This includes the bellows. 2) Have main baffle ready for testing. 3) Baffle primary (we've actually agreed this will be done during mirror aluminizing in October bright time) 4) Measure whatever filters we have, using the Kitt Peak monochrometer 5) Work on real headers for CCD data. Need to include RA/Dec and other stuff from TCS, information from Galil, information needed to run MSCRED properly. 6) Write code to use focus frames and/or FWHM measurements across the chip to then move actuators to the best position. 7) Write code to move LVDTs back to their nominal position. Probably at this point we just want a button, we don't want to do it without astronomer intervention. This would be used the rest of the night (we hope) after item 6 is done at the beginning of a run. 8) Gain the ability to have a little more control over the settings (how many counts needed before a star can be considered good) for the autoguider. 9) Finish and test autoguider electronic fixes/changes. 10) Add a third (and maybe a 4th) CCD. Does this entail the week's work of aligning? (i presume so) 11) CCD controller/power supply "power failure" cause and cure. 12) Make a 90prime account on Stjukshon and give the bokobs account to teh non-90prime observers to use. 13) Try to get rid of Bok entirely. 14) Decide if we're going to cut any metal to give us more focus/tweak range. 15) Some cable lengths need to be changed. 16) Begin to write cheat sheets (both for the observer and for the guys who have to put the instrument on and take it off). 17) Fix the "filter getting stuck while loading" problem. 18) Plate (Jeff Rill suggests a sliding plate for a good reason that we might want to watch the shutter) for cass hole. 19) Shutter spares/repairs from the problems of this winter. 20) I wonder if we should install some flatfield lamps... 21) We have the info for an opticla tweak off the telescope to minimize coma? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Things that need to be done after Sept: 1) Even though we have the LVDTs, other things flex. So we need to have a pointing run at some point? 2) Cable routing/trays 3) List of what few spares we have. 4) More cheat sheet work, more work on manual. Rules of thumb for when the focus needs tweaking. Suggestions for autoguider focussing... 5) Rules of thumb for flatfields, standards, scattered light. 6) Visit the 90" with the 10 micron camera and find hot spots. Somehow decide how to deal with them. 7) CCD autoguider cooling system improvements. 8) Eventually, fixing the flexure of the optical system, perhaps by replacing the actuators. 9) More optical tweaks? 10) Design a set of tests every observer should make and archive for us. (optical alignment, ccd gain and readnoise and linearity, etc) 11) Library of CCD parameters (photons/sec at 20th mag in each filter, color terms for each CCD, etc) 12) Library of standard fields. 13) Track down the second source of astigmatism mentioned by Jim. 14) I guess this is the same as manuals and cheat sheets, but we need to keep a good website. We need to keep a good list of things astronomers have learned about this instrument to make the data better. We need a list of flatfield images and darks and such, so that astronomers and Gary Rosenbaums can evaluate the CCD performance. 15) Storage facility and handling rules for filters, assuming they ever come. 16) Rules/thoughts about what observing we'll support in Jan-Apr. We won't exactly be able to go from the coming trimester's form of observing, straight to facility observing, we'll have to do some hand holding. 17) Can we tell if the astigmatism "in the primary" is polished in, or is somehow caused by mirror support? Does it change with time or is it stable? 18) Is there a cure for this second source of astigmatism? Can we model it in Zemax? 19) Pretty pictures and great discoveries.