On STJUKSHON 1) LOGIN as bokobs 2) Double click on 90prime Instrument GUI icon 3) Click POPULATE WHEEL to let Gary load filters. 4) Click on Filter Wheel tab 5) Click the CONTROL button, a new popup will appear 6) Assuming filters are loaded, click on INIT FILTER WHEEL in that new popup. 7) Edit the file /home/bokobs/90prime/galil/filters.txt if it is not correct. This file contains the translation of filter-holder numbers to real names. Click on READ FILTERS 8) Pick a filter and rotate to it (this is test 1) 9) Move that filter in and out (this is test 2) You can watch the "moving" light above, and the forward and reverse limits. The popup should never turn red. red is bad. It should be yellow if at forward limit (inserted), or orange if moving, or green if at reverse limit (not in beam) 10) make a new directory for today's UT date. say mkdir /data/bokobs/xxMMMyy ie, mkdir /data/bokobs 8apr04 (if it's the afternoon of the 7th) 11) in a bokobs (not iraf) window, type "dataserver" Minimize that window it'll bring up a ds9 and will allow bokccd2 to talk to stjukshon 12) In FOCUS tab, put "100" in B with a carriage return, click FOCUS, watch lights and numbers to see that all actuators move. ON TCS COMPUTER 1) turn on TCS, the ccd computer queries TCS for some stuff ON BOKCCD2 (the CCD computer, the other keyboard) 1) It comes up with AZCAMSERVER running. You can minimize it. 2) Double click on AzCamTool. Many things will happen and it'll come up running. 3) Click on FILENAME set directory to an existing directory on stjukshon, something like /data/bokobs/2Jan04 (ie, the UT date) 4) Set imagetype to ZERO, and set testimage, click EXPOSE You'll see IDLE, PREPARING, (EXPOSE), READOUT, CREATING (since exposure is zero seconds, you won't actually see the word expose) You likely want to throw the first one away. You likely want to have lights out as best you can. 5) Now the image is on stjukshon BACK ON STJUKSHON 6) You'll see the image, but it's time to load it with iraf Open an iraf window. type mscred 7) Type mscdisplay picturename.fits, where picturename is the real file name 8) Type mscexamine (it's like imexamine) Type m in each ccd, or whatever your favorite commands are 9) Type imexamine test.fits[1] (assuming the name is test.fits) that allows you to see the plots of chip 1 Type imexamine test.fits[2] then [3] then [4] We'll provide some numbers later.